Food Security
UN Sustainable Development Goal 2: NO HUNGER
- Current estimates are that nearly 690 million people are hungry, or 8.9 percent of the world population – up by 10 million people in one year and by nearly 60 million in five years.
- The majority of the world’s undernourished – 381 million – are still found in Asia. More than 250 million live in Africa, where the number of undernourished is growing faster than anywhere in the world.
- Our current global food system is not fit for purpose. Food production is at an all-time high, but 690 million people go hungry every day. At the same time, a third of food produced is wasted.
- Environmental degradation, animal welfare, human rights abuse, mass monoculture, the increasing dominance of a selection of global food producers and the rising vulnerability of smallholders are other critical issues that the food industry faces – which have only been exasperated as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.